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~ bucket of lies double bubble purple
In this world of massive lies and fraud, it's equivalent to basically living in a bucket of 100 lies, with 1 truth item for every 100 lies. A bucket of 100 pink double bubble gums, and only one purple gum.

The lies are so strong, so filthy, and so prevalent, that the lies appear to be the truth - and when you come across that one purple double bubble gum, you see it as the lie because all the people are loading you with lies that you believe.

Even when someone consistently tells you the truth, you assume they are a liar because everyone else is lying to you, so the consistent truth teller appears to be a liar since he is the only one saying something completely different. Popularity is what makes lies appear true. When there is one unpopular truth teller, you assume he is a liar because he isn't saying what everyone else agrees on (the big lie).

When your whole life is a lie and a fraud, the truth is rarely ever apparent. During childhood you are fed lies by your corrupt family members and schools, and, possibly churches - and then as you age, you discover more truths, or more purple double bubble gums in the bucket of shitty pink normals and regulars (lies and liars).

Once you discover a purple double bubble gum it is hard to take in, as you are so used to the boring, obvious lies, which you didn't know were obvious because you were living in them.

With a bucket count of 380, in this universe (or on this planet) there are only 3-4 truths hidden in 380 lies. The lies are so prevalent it's hard to find the truth, let alone taste it. Your time will come. The sad issue about liars and dishonest criminals is that they create their own hell, but have to bring you in with them and create hell for you, instead of just allowing themselves to suffer in their hell. They involve you in their lies instead of keeping their lies to themselves so not only they rot in their own shitpile of lies, but you do too.

Hoping to find more purple double bubbles in the bucket of horse shit. Fuck liars, fuck dishonest criminals, fuck stalkers (do yourself a favor and kill yourself by choking on a pink double bubble), fuck you, and, fuck off.

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