A r t i c l e s
- First you must download the quake demo (3.14), unless you have quake already installed and it is 3.21 or later.
- Copy the quake2delphi.exe and the quake2fpc.exe from the zip file you downloaded above, in the same place of your old quake exe. Run the two exe's and notice the difference. They are the same portable source code base, but compiled with two different compilers.
- I'm a text kind of guy, with lots of text and web projects on the go. I just started this project to spur it on. If you want to help don't hesitate. I can put it on SVN for you guys to hack away at, or you can do the same. I will help with the project but can't promise anything - I've got lots of software programming to do, you know ;-)
This site is about programming and other things.