A r t i c l e s

Note: This site is
a bit older, personal views
may have changed.

M a i n P a g e

D i r e c t o r y

Just use LS For Everything

What's more efficient: total commander, or the command line?

Some command line weenies and bsd folks are luddites. They refuse to use new technology that is better than their old tools. GUI, File managers, ... some people are actually against GUI's and file managers, because they think command line is superior in all respects.
Some idiots don't use web browsers.. they instead pipe the internet into their console window.. and instead of clicking links with their mouse, they just type in long obfuscated commands and read the website with EDLN or ED or Vi or Nano or Pico...

Other idiots use the LS command (lists files in current directory) instead of using file managers. Especially on a system you aren't familiar with the folder structures of, which is very common when dealing with many servers on many different hosts, is it important to have a file manager. But of course, just typing in LS or DIR is what all the idiots do.. scrolling around in each directory and watching the LS spit out information in your face. These are the same people who use Wood Stoves instead of electric ones. These are the same people who instead of having tools like wrenches, they use sticks and stones and whack the bolts and nuts off.

I bet these people use the command line to fetch HTML pages from the net instead of say using their internet browser. Some of them use Lynx which is okay in emergency and for kicks and giggles. But.. some of them are just idiots.

I relate with the guy at the bottom of this image.. the guy at the top is a retard.

Most people just don't know how to operate their file manager with keyboard shortcuts.. and since they are such idiots that don't know how to learn how to use file managers to make them more efficient, they screw around at their command line thinking they are twice as productive and twice as elite. I can run circles around any Unix user if we are put side by side with me on Total Commander and him on the command line. Because at any time, if I need to, I can always use the command line from within total commander or by launching one from total commander. One day I'll hack the midnight commander code up to contain proper keyboard shortcuts that it lacks which would make it far more productive, similar to what total commander has.

Some people just don't get it, and they never, ever, ever will.

This site is about programming and other things.
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